Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Other Side of the Desk

Okay have been thinking of doing this for quite a while. I even know that i wont be continuing with this very regularly but i just wanted to put up this one blog to give a glimpse of a big part of my little world to my family and friends.

Well here goes..

In school while tracing the grooves in the desk with my fingertips or while frantically trying to complete my homework before the teacher asked for it, i often used to wonder what it was like to be on the other side of the desk. What bliss it would be to be unworried about completing homework or cramming for tests.

Well, life the master trickster didn't leave me wondering for long. After a zillion attempts at thinking about what to do with my life, trying to take courses i was not suited to and a dissatisfying job, opportunity walked up to me. So there i was, a fluttering in my stomach, standing before eager, naughty faces at Shri Ramswaroop. I was on the other side of the desk.
As i conquered my nervousness and got on with the classes, i found myself the recipient of an unexpected gift. I realized that i loved being around children. Their joy was infectious and being able to get my message across to them was fulfilling.

Time passed, it actually flew ! I taught and interacted with many classes, the tiny fear which was inside me grew and nagged. The fear that in my small way i was responsible for the students i taught. Every time i thought of it, i felt a shiver go up my spine. With time i realized that it was this fear inside me which would make me more committed. The day this fear vanishes is the day i'll stop being a teacher. Now to be able to get a response from my class, to be able to get them excited about something gives me most joy. Seeing them sleepy, dull and listless makes me sad. Everyday is a revelation. i learn something new everyday - the teacher becomes the taught.

From the young, day-dreaming girl, to the teacher who now scolds students for what she was i once scolded - its been quite a journey. This is just the beginning and i feel privileged. So whimsy is the human heart though, that now when my students exit the classroom, i gaze at the desks and wish i was on the other side once more.